Our Expertise


We have several areas of expertise that form the core of our consulting practice.

Virtual Teams

The value, usage, and productivity of virtual teams have been slowly growing for years. With the recent outbreak of COVID-19, that trend has dramatically accelerated. Please check out our new Virtual Teams Microsite for detailed information on how to make your virtual team a success.

Bitcoin/Crypto Enablement

Someday soon someone in your organization will ask “Can we accept Bitcoin?”. Plan now so when that day comes you can say yes. Install and manage your own bitcoin and lightning nodes and establish multiple crypto wallets.

Lightning Network

The lightning network is a payment layer built on top of Bitcoin. It allows for nearly instantaneous and nearly free payments. It presents an ideal solution for retail B2C solutions and offers entirely new business models based on micro-payments. We have a dedicated microsite that provides a comprehensive strategy guide.


Blockchain can be used for creating digital currencies, raising money, smart contracts, digital equities, managing credentials, shared databases, financial micro-transactions, IoT, and nearly every type of multi-party transaction. We can help you analyze which uses cases make sense for your company. You will return to your office with a fully operational blockchain strategy to share and a plan to continue to investigate, develop, experiment and pilot internally.


Determine when a microsite is right the right tactic for your business. Establish basic governance procedures. Select and obtain a domain name. Select a hosting platform. Design, test, and launch your microsite.

Intrapreneur Development

This sprint is designed to help freshen up your work. The only thing we ask is that you attend with a project in mind or a problem to be solved. The experience is a mashup of design thinking and business modeling that will help you see your work through a startup lens.

Digital Signatures

General background on the use of digital signatures in business. Select a digital signature service. Establish governance procedures for corporate digital signature usage. Implement standard operating procedures for digital signature templates and workflows.

Virtual Meetings

When to use virtual meetings and when not to. Best practices for virtual meetings. Integrating the use of virtual meetings into your organization without disrupting your culture.

Voice UI

Voice User Interfaces have come of age and offer opportunities to engage with your customers, partners, and clients in new innovative ways. Platforms such as Amazon Alexa and Google Assistant can be used to efficiently develop a wide range of solutions.


Direct and group messaging tools can bring immense efficiencies to your corporate culture or can become a large distraction. Learn how to implement them effectively in your organization.


Yes, you already use email. But we guarantee you could use it more effectively. Establish corporate protocols and learn new methods and tools that increase productivity through our email optimization programs.

Employee Online Presence

You probably spend a lot of thought, time and money on your corporate online presence but, do you invest the same in helping your employees look professional and effectively use their online presence. Learn how.

Intern Program Management

Learn how to manage an intern program that generates real productivity and provides a flow of tomorrow’s employees. Modeled on our 25 years of managing award-winning intern programs. We can help you create systems to recruit, evaluate and manage large intern cohorts. We successfully recruited and evaluated over 500 interns per year and then managed groups of up to 30 at a time.

OAuth Readiness

OAuth is coming and will replace old-school username/passwords within the next two years. We can help you get ready.

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