The road to success is not always straight or simple as many of We Can Code IT’s students might tell you, but hard work really does pay off.
Our first introduction to We Can Code IT was just over one year ago when they were accepted into the Flashstarts Accelerator class of 2015. We Can Code IT is a computer programming boot camp that specifically focuses on serving minority population groups because as CEO Mel McGee notes, “Diversity matters.” For every 1% increase in team diversity, there is a 6% increase in profits (
CEO McGee, is a software engineer with over 20 years of experience and a background in education. In the past year, she has expanded her team to a total of 10 and is now expanding classes to a second location in Columbus, Ohio to meet the increasing demand for talented software developers. We Can Code IT students range from recent high school graduates to midlife career changers, from adults with their GED to those with multiple graduate degrees. What do the students have in common? They are all determined to launch careers in the IT field and show a natural aptitude for coding.
We Can Code IT Columbus will offer 4 full-time cohorts and one part-time cohort in 2017 and plans to graduate 80 students in their first year. This branch, led by Brian Forsythe, will particularly focus on Java as the programming language students are taught. Forsythe is an experienced instructor and java programmer with 20 years of experience. We Can Code It has already secured an employment partnership with JPMorgan Chase for their graduates, and other companies are sure to follow suit.
[pullquote]Diversity matters. For every 1% increase in team diversity, there is a 6% increase in profits. [/pullquote]
Like their Cleveland base in StartMart, the new We Can Code IT Columbus Office is located in a dynamic entrepreneurial hub with a concentration on fostering IT skills and tech innovation. This means We Can Code IT students are surrounded by innovation and the same community that they are preparing to enter. We Can Code IT offers both part-time (22 weeks) and full time (12 weeks) courses to better meet the needs of their diverse student demographics.
To learn more about We Can Code IT and their Columbus expansion, visit or contact Chief Growth Officer Leslie Evans at