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FAQ Part 2: The Flashstarts-Entrepreneur Relationship

At the core of Flashstarts is our summer startup accelerator.

We’re here to build innovative, world-changing startups, create wealth, and help revitalize Cleveland’s economy. The keys to achieving these goals–really, the whole point of why we exist–are the entrepreneurs who participate in our accelerator.

So, for this second installment of our FAQ series, we’re answering questions about our most valuable asset–our entrepreneurs. We hope you enjoy this illustration of what it looks like to be a startup team in our accelerator and how to become one.

FAQ Part 2: The Flashstarts-Entrepreneur Relationship

If we had added 3 more people to the mix we would have witnessed a chain reaction in our little loft high above Playhouse Square.

Each team takes a different path and each day is different. Actual programmatic elements are discussed.

Flashstarts is looking for coachable teams with big disruptive ideas specifically in a number of areas.

Our team applications process is iterative. Apply and we will provide feedback. Respond and we will provide more feedback. Rinse and repeat until you are accepted.

Learn more about the Flashstarts 2014 Startup Accelerator. If you think our accelerator is a good fit for your startup, apply today.

Miss part 1 of our FAQ series? Watch FAQ Part 1: What is Flashstarts?

Come back for FAQ Part 3: The Flashstarts Way next Wednesday, April 16th.

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