Charles Stack selected to represent 1994 for the Web30 Birthday Celebration March 12, 2019
Charles Stack is one of a select group of people in the world to be asked by the World Wide Web Foundation to celebrate the Web’s 30th birthday on March 12, 2019.
The World Wide Web was created on March 12, 1989 by Sir Tim Berners-Lee. As part of the celebration, 30 innovations will represent a timeline of the web’s most significant moments. These moments will be posted on twitter over the course of the thirty hour celebration.
Stack will present the sixth tweet representing the year 1994 for his landmark creation of You can follow the celebration and read all the tweets with the hashtag #web30. The event concludes in Lagos, Nigeria with stops at CERN in Switzerland and the London Science Museum, where there will be a live streamed presentation by Tim Berners-Lee (17:00 GMT/12:00 EST).